Ministry to youth in Soacha, Colombia

Pastor Jordan Orozco and his amazing church called Vida Church (Life Church) minister the gospel and love of Jesus Christ to the people of Soacha, Colombia in a unique and creative way to the people of one of the largest slums in the world. Through the use of art, music, dance, sports, and education, Pastor Jordan and his team are engaging children and young people to discover the fullness of who they can be in Christ. With their hearts opened to the love they are receiving through the Vida Church team, these young people are hearing and receiving the gospel of Jesus Christ and their lives are being transformed. 

Please join us in supporting the work of Vida Church.

All sponsorship donations are allocated to support the project you selected in the program. Up to 12 percent of the sponsorship cost may be used for administering the donation.


Leader: Steve Cervera

Phone: 754-249-1802

Email Group Leader

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